Ice Cream
Oct 14, 2024
How aware are you with the notion of time?
Each day we are constantly aware of time. Maybe we dwell on that four letter word more than others. We are reminded of time in our muscles and bones waking up on a cold fall morning in WA. We feel it in the air and see it in the growth around us as seasons change. Notably we see it in the relationships and people important in our lives and how that and they change with time. Our grandson just celebrated another birthday which reminded us of getting ice cream with him.
Also included in the SAF was a piece titled 'Wreckless Driving', it is a child sized wheelbarrow. The piece, fabricated entirely of glass, included an upside down melting ice cream cone and had a flat tire. This busted wheelbarrow and melted ice cream is a reflection of time, timing and time management.